The Elyakim Family: A Family’s Nightmare in Nahal Oz

The Elyakim Family: A Family's Nightmare in Nahal Oz

On October 7th, 2024, the world witnessed unspeakable cruelty as Hamas militants descended upon the peaceful community of Nahal Oz, leaving a trail of blood and heartbreak in their wake. Among the victims was the Elyakim family—innocent civilians who faced the unimaginable at the hands of these Islamo-Nazi terrorists, whose actions resembled the horrors of the Nazi regime.

The Elyakim Family: Caught in a Terrorist’s Grasp

The attack began in the early morning, when Dekla and Noam Elyakim, along with their children, found their home invaded by Hamas militants. The militants, armed and merciless, captured the family and subjected them to a terrifying ordeal.

Noam’s daughters, Dafna (15) and Ella (8), were forcefully taken to Gaza,
while the rest of the family was left to face the militants’ monstrous cruelty.

A Facebook Live Broadcast of Terror and Desperation

In a shocking twist, Dekla’s Facebook profile suddenly went live just before 10:00 AM, broadcasting the family’s nightmare to the world.
The video showed Dekla, Noam, and their three children—Tomer (15), Dekla’s son, and Dafna and Ella—surrounded by the militants who had taken over their home.


Noam, bleeding from a gunshot wound, was forced to speak on camera,
his voice trembling with fear as he described the horrors unfolding in Nahal Oz.


Forced to Betray: Tomer’s Heartbreaking Role

The militants, displaying an unfathomable level of cruelty, turned their attention to 15-year-old Tomer.
They coerced him into accompanying them as they knocked on the doors of their neighbors, forcing the terrified teenager to plead with them to open their doors. The militants assured Tomer that no harm would come to those who complied—a promise that would soon be revealed as a deadly lie.


The Brutal Massacre of Innocents

As Tomer led the militants from house to house, the nightmare escalated.
In one horrific scene, the militants entered a home where a father was desperately trying to save his mortally wounded daughter.

The room was drenched in blood, the mother’s anguished cries echoing through the air.
The militants, devoid of any humanity, blamed the family for the girl’s death, claiming it was their punishment for not opening the door sooner.

The militants continued their rampage, dragging Tomer along as they forced open door after door.
Each time, they made Tomer assure the neighbors that they would be safe if they complied, only to mercilessly slaughter them once the door was opened. The bloodshed was unimaginable, a stark reminder of the darkest chapters of history.


A Nation Watches in Horror

The Facebook Live broadcast ended abruptly after half an hour, leaving Dekla’s friends and followers in shock and despair.
They had watched in real time as the family’s peaceful life was torn apart, tagging the police and security forces in a desperate bid to save them. But the nightmare was far from over.


A Tragic End: The Loss of Innocent Lives

In the days that followed, more grim details emerged. A video surfaced showing Noam, barely able to walk, being led toward Gaza by the militants. Photos of Dafna and Ella appeared online, showing the two young girls sitting on mattresses in captivity, their innocence stolen by the same militants who had terrorized their family.

The final blow came a week and a half into the war. The Elyakim family’s worst fears were confirmed when they received the devastating news: Noam, Dekla, and Tomer had been brutally murdered by the militants as they were being taken toward Gaza.


They’re not “Freedom fighters” Their Nazis

The tragedy of the Elyakim family is a haunting reminder of the horrific events that took place on October 7th, 2024. The actions of the Hamas militants and many Gazans on that day were nothing short of barbaric, echoing the atrocities committed during the darkest times of history. The Elyakim family’s story serves as a powerful testament to the innocent lives lost and the unfathomable cruelty that was unleashed upon the world.

Just imagine the amount of hatred and evil it takes for someone to rip a 15-year-old child from his crying mother after shooting their father and killing their neighbors. To then use this child as bait to lure other families out of their homes, only to slaughter parents, children, babies, and the elderly without a shred of mercy. No, it’s worse—they do it with tears of joy, with pride, and broadcast it live on Facebook for the world to see, including children and their families!

And after that, they kill the child, his mother, and father, and kidnap his little sisters to Gaza!

Is this what they call a “freedom fighter”? Freedom from what? The IDF left Gaza years ago! So why? Why this horrific violence?

This has nothing to do with politics or land.
The Palestinian cause is nothing but a smokescreen, an excuse to kill Jews and wage war against Zionism.

Hamas and many in Gaza are filled with an Islamo-Nazi hatred of Jews, with Mein Kampf on their bookshelves and lessons in their schools teaching them to kill Jews! This isn’t fiction—it’s the real mentality and ideology of the Gazans.

They despise Jews and idolize Hitler.
October 7th was just a brief glimpse of what they would do every day if given the chance, just like the Nazis.
